Having undergone rehabilitation for dr*g and alc*hol addiction, Lindsay Lohan , who has suffered from asthma since the age of two, is a sm*ker. Following a DUI conviction in 2007, Lindsay Lohan was ordered to wear an alc*hol monitoring SCRAM anklet and to attend an alc*hol awareness course as conditions of her probation. Lindsay Lohan gave an interview to The Sydney Morning Herald in June 2010, telling the paper
"I'm still young and I'm still learning but that doesn't mean that what they say is true, that I'm getting messed up and all this crazy stuff and that I'm constantly partying or whatever."
In June 2010, Lindsay Lohan also made an appearance on the Bravo television series Double Exposure.
Double Exposure : The Mysterious Affair of Lindsay Lohan
BravoTV.com say...
For 20 years, I've analyzed, art directed, and embodied imaging arts and fashion, first as a model, then a cultural anthropologist at Princeton, now as a fashion photographer and digital artist. With my creative partner Markus and stylist GK Reid, I've photographed many of the most influential artists of our time, worked closely with superstars of marketing, public relations, digital image manipulation, make-up, hair and styling. And I've studied with spiritual teachers around the world for my own development and self-realization.
But it's only recently that I've personally experienced the power of image, after hanging out with Lindsay Lohan. I made a few comments about Lindsay's intelligence, beauty and potential, and my hope to be a positive influence in her life. Suddenly I was the planet's third-most Googled person, with reports everywhere that we're settling down together after a year-long relationship! It didn't help that Markus, usually protective of our celebrities, couldn't contain his juicy soundbites about a racy shoot we did together. My actual words and Lindsay's were ignored in favor of our photos and the fantasies people prefer to project.
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