Does Lindsay Lohan
play like a a mean girl or nice girl? I really like Li Lo and I think she's a great actress in spite of what a lot people think. That last movie Lohan did was pretty bad though. I don't blame her, I think it was just a horrible plot. Li Lo is so pretty and I'm so proud of her for getting herself back together especially as a recovering alcoholic/addict myself.
Should I give "Ugly Betty" a chance? Will Lindsay's character be a regular now?
I hate the fact that they are letting
Lindsay Lohan
be on ugly betty. I don't like it at all. Lindsay Lohan is going to try and hurt betty like alot of ppl . I hope betty slaps the p*ss out of her if LiLo tries to move in on bettys territory .
I'd say give the show a chance.
It's hard to say what Lohan's character is like at this point. Lindsay Lohan was introduced at the end of season 2 as someone who went to high school with Betty and bullied her. She seems mean at the beginning of season 3, but reveals she's merely upset because her life pretty much ended after high school. She's supposed to be in tonight's episode, so I guess we'll have to see.

By the way... 'Ugly Betty' loses
Lindsay Lohan
:(. Lindsay Lohan's guest-starring stint on "Ugly Betty" has been trimmed from six episodes to four. Everyone seems to agree on that. Why?
Firstly, from the pro-"Betty" side. "It was a mess," a "production source" tells the New York Post's Page Six. "Lindsay would show up every day with an entourage of people." And Lindsay Lohan's dressing room was in such poor shape that it had to be repainted.
A source claims
refused to be on set until after America Ferrera, or Ferrera was already there, and when they rehearsed a scene from Thursday's (Oct. 23) episode, titled "Granny Pants," in which Ferrera's Betty de-pantses Lohan's character, "she wasn't wearing any underwear."
Not so, claims a Li Lo defender.
Lindsay Lohan
was, in fact, wearing a G-string in the aforementioned scene, and didn't think America Ferrera was going to pull her pants down in the rehearsal. "But she did," the "Lohan pal" says. "Lindsay was so embarrassed, she started crying."
Then, as for the entourage claims, the friend told Page Six that Lohan's "sober companion," assistant and manager were on set, along with girlfriend Samantha Ronson, and that her publicist showed up a handful of times too. The dressing room was also used by cast members of the Fox show "Fringe," ''so maybe they messed it up."
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